High-Efficiency Single Driver Speaker System

For those of you who have gone to the 'Dark-side'---a high-efficiency single driver system and never looked back, I'd like to get your feedback on two specific things: 1)What type of music do you mostly listen to, and 2)What do you find are the most appealing characteristics that you find lacking in more traditional lower efficient, high power amplifier-based system. I currently have a custom EL34 JWN customized amp rated around 35-45 watts and I'm thinking about going this route.
If you list where you live I would bet there may be a member near-by who would invite you over to hear what one of these systems can do ...
That's a good idea---thanks. My zip code is 11510 and I live in Long Island New York.
Hi A-passion I live in Staten Island, NY. If you want to come over for a listen, let me know. Once you go to the dark side there is no going back. ;)


Snopro, just looked at your system, very nice, and A_passion should definitely accept your generous offer. I'm sure the Zu's will definitely answer his questions about the "dark side." BTW, what amp are using, tube mono's or First Watt?
Tls49 thanks. I'm using the 300b Franks. The First Watt is my backup amp it's very good but, the Franks are better at portraying the emotion and organic feel of live music.