"High end" store snobbery

Our county lies in a fairly remote part of the country.Our major city of 100,000 has one "high end" shop so to speak.

I visited them yesterday.The store has limited selection of decent  stuff-a few McIntosh amps.Marantz.Paradigm ,Focal,Sonus faber etc.No Wilsons or Bel Canto category.

I asked then if they take trade ins-I want to upgrade my one year old Yamaha RX4 AVR,worth $500 retail.

They said they only take high end components for trade i.e.McIntosh etc.

After that conversation, the 3 store employees pretty will ignored my presence and I continued browsing their meagre inventory.


Lo and behold!

In a corner I spotted about 30 items-old Pioneer,Yamaha amps and even an equalizer from the 1970s.Prices ranged from $75 to $500.


I asked :"what are these"

response from employee:"oh, those are items we are familiar with as they were swapped out for upgraded gear by our customers."


Thanks for tolerating my rant...






There's a shop up here in Mass where on Saturday aftrenoons you can bring your LPs to play through their various vintage & high end setups & hang around a bit to talk about the gear: they'll even offer you an espresso or craft beer. That's my kinda spot, lol. Not sure about their trade-in policies but I know they have one. The guys that own the place are about as knowledgeable as anyone I've ever met. It's in a cool brick & beam loft space and is stuffed with incredible gear that they restore & ship all over the world. Guess this is where the industry is headed, or should be anyway. 

I traded in 2 AVRs 20 years old not used in years towards 2 new Monoblock power amps at PSAudio.  They give you up to 30% of the new purchase as trade.  They base the trade in value on the original retail value.  So in my case I got $1800 for the AVRs.

It does not have to be for the same type of equipment.  You could trade in an AVR towards a new DAC or speakers.

I use to live in Chicago but now retired in Tennessee and the closest dealer is 3 hours away.




PS Audio only sells manufacturer direct in USA...incredible trade in policy...they often work in conjunction with TMR I believe...the trade in can cover up to about 30% of price of new PS Audio gear you are buying...


find a child from a poor family and give him your receiver ... Do not look for gratitude - do not flatter your pride .... and then - audio luck will smile at you)))