High-res Downloads of Orchestral music available

This is a first for the internet. 24-bit/96kHz remastered tape files available for downloading. This music is a MUST download. Some of these tracks are famous performances that are highly sought after. If you have an Off-Ramp Turbo or Turbo2, Off-Ramp I2S or a Transporter, you can play these native 24-bit/96kHz files. They are encoded in FLAC.

The first samples (exerpts) are being offered for download are FREE at this URL:



Steve N.
Empirical Audio
(not affiliated with highdeftapetransfers.com)
That sight does look promising.

A little of topic, but here goes: See, also, www.arkivmusic.com for classical music. Some of their music is 24/96. They have 2K out-of-print albums. When you order one of these, they burn a bit-perfect copy to CD-R from the master tapes and mail it to you.

Considering the uncertainty with the way digital rights management is going (with Vista in particular), this may be a safe bet in the near term. Burn the bit-perfect copy from CD-R to your hard drive, and still have the CD-R on hand in case you switch computers.
Another interesting websight is this Linn one:


The tracks are all in WMA format though, so they have to be converted to play on decent players like Foobar or jriver.
Those sound great!

I played them streight through foobar2000. Very Airy with a lot of depth and imaging. Thanks for the link. Hopefully this is the future of audio. Imagine not being limited by space concerns at all anymore and at even higher clarity. Just the time it takes to download an exact copy of a master recording.