higher end cd player

I'm finally in the market for my last cdp. Line of thought here is that sacd software will get more plentiful, and players more sophisticated, in a few years time, but presently I want to get the best out of my red book cd's. Preferences for a tubey, bloomy, and dark soundstage should be taken into account; cold and clinical not really my cup of tea. Hardware to match includes ML 334, SF Line 2, ML Ascents, and Cardas Golden Cross cabling. I currently have an Arcam Alpha 9; it sounds wonderful, but I'm ready for the next level. I'm thinking audio aero cap mark 11 or musical fidelity nuvista; any thoughts guys? I really like the idea of the line level inputs on the audio aero!
Given your self-described preferences, no doubt whatsoever: Get the Audio Aero.
I have a Linn Ikemi and am very pleased with it's sound. I am also using Cardas Gold Refs and I find the Linn to be very warm, detailed and precise
I agree with Theo, the Linn is a fine player, reasonably priced and has excellent build quality. It also meets your criteria. If you like the Arcam, you'll love the Ikemi.
How many imputs on the audio aero? Can you use it as a pre? Will it control the vol on all sources?