Hinky Remote controls: Can they be re- calibrated?

I recently considered buying a tube integrated amp with remote control. It has won the praises of several reviewers and AG members. However, the model in question and its lower sibling have poor remote controls. They overshoot the mark by a wide margin requiring the listener to get off his butt to adjust volume to their liking.

This may not seem like a big deal, but if you have back problems, which I have, this can be more than a pain in the ass. BTW, the integrated in question is about $2200 retail. I don't understand the design philosophy of the manufacturer to offer a remote that is poorly calibrated, or not accurately calibrated.

Is there any solutions to this design flaw....besides buying a different product with a better remote. I understand that good sound quality is the primary objective, but convenience of operation is not asking too much from the manufacturer who chooses to save a few bucks on production costs by supplying an almost useless remote. I would gladly pay $100-$150 for a better remote with at least a mute button
I would call the manufacturer and explain the problem. There may be a fix available or it may be unique to your unit. But in any case they should be aware of the issue.
Are you talking about Rogue? Their remotes move the volume in steps, even though the volume control is motorized and when used locally, it moves smoothly. Many users complain about the remote; it raises volume in increments of a couple dB at a time.
Their top-tier items use a much better remote, so I guess it's a cost-saving design.
Lowrider57 - It should not be a matter of the cost of the remote. Even a $20 remote should be able to send a proper signal to do a small volume change. The problem sounds like either a design flaw in the amp or a mis-programmed remote. It might be a bad remote design, but if it is the vendor has really done a bad job on the remote.
Dtc...appreciate the info. I don't understand why, but this is a common complaint among owners of Rogue's entry to mid level units. I even asked my dealer about it when I was demoing preamps in the showroom and he didn't have an answer.
BTW, the 2 preamps were in the $2200 to $3000 range.

These remotes don't overshoot a change in volume as stated in the OP's comments, in fact they are very tight and consistent. I just don't like the "stepped" operation.
Thank you to everyone who has commented so far....Lowrider, yes, I was referring to the Rogue integrated amps

The two reviews of the "Sphinx" hybrid integrated claimed the remote was mediocre with wide swings in volume control. The review of Cronos Magnum reported almost the same problem with its remote, and I don't believe it is better because the CM is in a higher tier of equipment in Rogue's line

One of the smoothest remotes I have used the Bel Canto PRe3 line stage; very smooth and the subtle increases in volume were easily apparent. It reminds me very much of a Conrad Johnson PV-8 pre-amp which I owned about 20 years ago. It did not have a remote, but the volume pot was accurately calibrated in half db increments; you could hear and feel the volume pot subtly and uniformly lift the sound across the entire room.