home theater processor suggestions?

This is what i am looking for a processor that has /does the following:
1. has hdmi1.3 or better
2. xlr connections
3. room correction
4. be able to process most of the upper formats.
5. 7 channel.

i have no need for analog input or out puts. i run hdmi in and out. i just need one of each.

i run a anthem statement p5 amp

i know about the anthem mva 50v and the statement d2v...

thank you for your suggestions
I run a blu ray player to my processor via hdmi.
i then run from my processor to my front projector via hdmi.
nothing else so all digital.

i want to run xlr instead of rca from my processor to my amp.

hope that is more clear. sorry for not putting that in my original post.

I'm seeing a lot of interest in the Emotiva products these days. I'm going to give them a go in the Home Theatre room in our new place that's under construction. I've auditioned most of the dominant brands and can't see spending thousands when the technology is moving so fast. Seems to me that the goals are somewhat different between a serious 2 chan system and the 5.1/7.1 arrangements that I've seen. If a person has the luxury of separate rooms for each, I'd say spend the big $$$ on 2 chan and look for best 'bang-for-the-buck' A/V and be willing to flex as the technology matures.
I 2nd the Emotiva recommendation. They have a new prepro due out very soon, the XMC-1, that has everything you need. And the projected price, $1595, makes it the best deal out there. Google it...

I would be wary of the emotiva, I owned their umc 1 and it never worked right despite numerous software upgrades, their amps are a great value, but I would definitely avoid their prepro's.
I also would be wary of the Emotiva, they don't have a history of making a good processor, quite the contrary! Most of theirs don't work right at all!

The D2v and AVM50v are good units, the Marantz is nice for a lower price, if you have the funds you can go to the Meridian models but they use a two box solution now, Krell makes some great ones (wish I still had my Evo 707!) but it costs $30k.

I think for now technology has sort of settled out and almost ever processor has replaceable HDMI boards so they can be updated (I did this with my Classe SSP-800) so they do hold value much better than before....