Home Theater Processor

All I am looking at replacing my Lexicon MC14/Bryston SP3 unit. Looking for any good suggestions. I have been looking at the Anthem AVM60 and the McIntosh MX160. I want to upgrade to a Dolby Atmos processor. Thanks

i don't know too much about proccessors, but the mcintosh mx160 is their latest unit. it doe's cost a lot. i would look into this more before you buy.
Thanks for the replies, so is there any other quality processors with the Dolby Atmos that is reasonable and worth looking into. Thanks

Is 2-channel music important to you at all or is this primarily an HT rig?
soix, thanks for the reply, my system is more for HT but I do like to listen to music as well, about a 70/30 split.
Currently running B&W 802 Matrix in the front and B&W all around.
The Classe sigma SSP mk2 does atmos, but you could also look at the Marantz 8802. 

The Mcintosh MX122 is also an option. It’s the baby brother of the Mx160. 

Keep an eye on the HDMI version of the units you buy.  Without at least 2.0a, you can’t get HDR, which is probably more important than 4k at this point.