Hotel Room Confessions - Best Sound at a Show?

I’m curious to know if line arrays and/or tuneable subs make speakers able to sound great in terrible conditions. Or can horns be the ideal hotel room rondevouz? A lot of people come up with a list of best sound, despite clearly terrible sounding rooms. They try to hear past what is assumed to be room problems.

I want to ask, if you have ever heard really amazing sound in a hotel room. Like, nothing needed to be made better, you’d be happy listening there forever. If so, what were the speakers you heard?

I've heard RELATIVELY stellar performances but I've never heard a hotel room sound even as good as my current, pitiful setup.

Have you? Did a line array, ESL or horn show how it could utterly tame the room and take you to heaven in a seedy hotel room with ugly carpets?
I have run Running several  systems at shows , for one many displays incredibly  don’t even fully runin their systems before hand, which makes No sence,
also bringing room panels for reflections- absorption, and many people feel that have to blast it at 95-100 dB to  make their point and in fact because of all the other factors actually sounds far worse.
MBL for Example ,these Great 101 speakers with all reference gear in a room not big enough, can sound congested, in a proper Large room Magical. Many rooms many either don’t know ,or willing to take the time to setup properly.take the Cardas setup method for example you can see on their website
pretty reliable in most cases.  Erik is correct  most respectable audio systems 
at home sound more coherent and musical ,for you took whatever time necessary to Taylor your system to your room . Maybe a few exhibitors will 
heed the comments and advise.
Austin Acoustic Speakers Horn Speakers , I heard them at Axpona at Westin here in Chicago,the systems and the speakers did perform live like, I have never heard a system like the AA set up, the room is a bit small, and so so Acoustic was used...but that’s a 750 k set up.if I win the lottery, my first purchase after buying a big house and building a room for them like Mike Lavigne did only bigger...Folks only a dream...
Best speaker I ever heard in a hotel room was a JBL Hartsfield (monaural) sound from Vinal record played on a Rek-O-kut turntable thru a MacIntosh Amp. Everyone in the room were mesmerized. And, amazingly, the room was not touting the playing equipment, rather the record: Audiofidelity! I’ll never forget it.
At Axpona this year, the Bricasti room had some of their great gear, Tidal speakers, and a little acoustic treatment. I could have listened there all day; in fact, I used the room as a refuge from the BOOM heard elsewhere and spent several hours there.