When using jumper cables instead of biwire speaker cables, do the jumpers need to be as good a quality or better than the actual quality of the  speaker wires? The jumpers need to be 6” to 9” long. Also is it better to hook the main speaker wires to the low end and then run the jumpers to the high end or visa versa?


...always have a set in every's nice to be someone's knight in armor... *g*

@jerryg123 , carry a pair in the frunk, it'll blow someone's socks off to be 'jumped' by a Tesla (but see if that's possible...;)...) *LOL*

Which version? 

I used 50 year old welding leads that H&S retired because of burn marks in the cables casing. The cable was very flexible with a very high strand count of pure copper. The copper was larger than my thumb. I used gator clamps and you could tighten them with a wrench after you clamp on. I’ve seen those cables move several inches when people were trying to jump a heavy load and not charge the batteries a bit before trying.

I learned about soldering jumper cables too. DON’T. I saw a guys service truck burn to the ground. The fire was where his priming fuel and his "jumper cable" connection were. LOL The leads got so hot the solder melted and pored right on the plastic primer container.. Guess what else was in that compartment? The ONLY fire extinguisher. He sure had a clean service truck too. :-) I learned a lot about "Jumper Cables" that day.. It burn both pieces of equipment UP and caused a pretty big grass fire.. He made the news.. million dollar boo boo..

I gave him an A+ at the end of the day, he saved his lunch box..


Tannoy supplies jumpers for their higher tier speakers in the event you don't bi wire...last time I checked, Tannoy does not make speaker, I doubt it is necessary to use the exact same wire as used for the main run of speaker cable. If this is good enough for Tannoy, then it's good enough for me...I'll use their jumpers...although right now, I bi wire with two equal runs of Audioquest Type 4....