Thanks again. I have been checking the websites and going back through your threads and others to learn more. I can't believe how much information and knowledge you A/V guys have. I feel like I need to learn a new language. Frankly, its a little intimidating to ask for help but I am really interested and want to learn.
I looked at the ATC and M&K sites, also checked PMC, Mackie & Genelec as suggested by Alun and everything looks great. I need to take the next step and "test drive" a few to narrow it down.
Referring to my original request, if I am looking for a MC system rather than a strict stereo so I can go to either CD or DVD, how do I narrow down the speaker choices (price is an obvious decision point)? I was totally spun around, but willing to go with the suggestion that I look at the "active" speakers (never new they existed).
I continue to see the comments that higher wattage and (lower ohms?) are needed to drive higher end speakers (without built in power sources). If the speakers have built in power sources, will the resulting sound quality be of similar quality to speakers (Linn for example) without a built in power source or do I need an additional power source/amp. with the "active" speakers?
Is the AV pre/pro the only additional component I need, besides a DVD/CD player? Whats a 5.1 DVD system? The prices for new ATC's are up there (not $150,000 for sure, but how many Bill Gates are out there anyway?). Is it reasonable to search for used ATC's (or M&K, Genenlec etc.) to save a few dollars?
Thanks to anyone who responds!
Thanks again. I have been checking the websites and going back through your threads and others to learn more. I can't believe how much information and knowledge you A/V guys have. I feel like I need to learn a new language. Frankly, its a little intimidating to ask for help but I am really interested and want to learn.
I looked at the ATC and M&K sites, also checked PMC, Mackie & Genelec as suggested by Alun and everything looks great. I need to take the next step and "test drive" a few to narrow it down.
Referring to my original request, if I am looking for a MC system rather than a strict stereo so I can go to either CD or DVD, how do I narrow down the speaker choices (price is an obvious decision point)? I was totally spun around, but willing to go with the suggestion that I look at the "active" speakers (never new they existed).
I continue to see the comments that higher wattage and (lower ohms?) are needed to drive higher end speakers (without built in power sources). If the speakers have built in power sources, will the resulting sound quality be of similar quality to speakers (Linn for example) without a built in power source or do I need an additional power source/amp. with the "active" speakers?
Is the AV pre/pro the only additional component I need, besides a DVD/CD player? Whats a 5.1 DVD system? The prices for new ATC's are up there (not $150,000 for sure, but how many Bill Gates are out there anyway?). Is it reasonable to search for used ATC's (or M&K, Genenlec etc.) to save a few dollars?
Thanks to anyone who responds!