Learsfool wrote:
"I can tell you that no two of us would agree on what this "neutrality" would sound like."
I agree with this. But I do not conclude from it, as many of the posters seem to, that neutrality is either (1) unreal, or (2) unknowable.
Learsfool wrote:
"Every piece of equipment, every system, every recording, has what you are calling 'coloration.'"
I agree with this. But I do not conclude from it that every piece of equipment, every system, or every recording is EQUALLY colored.
Learsfool wrote:
"I would be fascinated to hear you try to describe what this "neutrality" goal of yours would actually sound like..."
That is precisely what I tried to do in the original post, namely, to describe something that is, admittedly, very difficult to describe. My description was:
"(1) Individual pieces of music sound more unique.
(2) Your music collection sounds more diverse."
Learsfool wrote:
"What you are really trying to define, ultimately, is your own sonic ideal."
No. In my original post, I wrote:
"I’m not suggesting that neutrality is the most important goal in building an audio system..."
In a subsequent post, I wrote:
"As to the doubt, expressed by several posters, that neutrality is a vital consideration in assembling a satisfying music system, I am actually somewhat agnostic."
In my very last post, I wrote:
"I do not think that neutrality is of paramount important, of exclusive importance, or of essential importance."
So, for the fourth time: In my view, neutrality is one virtue AMONG MANY in an audio system. My intention in starting this thread was to propose a way to develop that particular virtue, not to suggest that it is the virtue to be valued above all others.
"I can tell you that no two of us would agree on what this "neutrality" would sound like."
I agree with this. But I do not conclude from it, as many of the posters seem to, that neutrality is either (1) unreal, or (2) unknowable.
Learsfool wrote:
"Every piece of equipment, every system, every recording, has what you are calling 'coloration.'"
I agree with this. But I do not conclude from it that every piece of equipment, every system, or every recording is EQUALLY colored.
Learsfool wrote:
"I would be fascinated to hear you try to describe what this "neutrality" goal of yours would actually sound like..."
That is precisely what I tried to do in the original post, namely, to describe something that is, admittedly, very difficult to describe. My description was:
"(1) Individual pieces of music sound more unique.
(2) Your music collection sounds more diverse."
Learsfool wrote:
"What you are really trying to define, ultimately, is your own sonic ideal."
No. In my original post, I wrote:
"I’m not suggesting that neutrality is the most important goal in building an audio system..."
In a subsequent post, I wrote:
"As to the doubt, expressed by several posters, that neutrality is a vital consideration in assembling a satisfying music system, I am actually somewhat agnostic."
In my very last post, I wrote:
"I do not think that neutrality is of paramount important, of exclusive importance, or of essential importance."
So, for the fourth time: In my view, neutrality is one virtue AMONG MANY in an audio system. My intention in starting this thread was to propose a way to develop that particular virtue, not to suggest that it is the virtue to be valued above all others.