How Do You Organize Your Music?

Depending on how much music you have, I'm sure everyone organizes their music a little differently. Do you separate by genre, then alphabetize? Do you have a chronological system? Do you tab where the next letter starts?

I'm curious to know how people with huge music libraries catalogue their music. Digital music can be very easy to organize if you have accurate ID3 tags, but what do you do with your CDs and LPs?
Thanks, Mariasplunge.

I personally don't have a huge music library yet, but I'm trying to set myself up for success by starting on the right foot. Right now I have the records that I've cleaned so far organized alphabetically by artist, then alphabetically by album. The records that still need to be cleaned (hundreds and hundreds...) are loosely organized by importance of getting cleaned. I constantly have an "on deck" section, and I'll pick whatever strikes my mood from that pile to clean.

CDs are alphabetical by artist, and CDs with more than one artist are filed by the artist that I like more.

I use the 'collectze' software. Each disk gets assigned a number when it is cataloged. I have pre printed numbers on 'dot' lables. Dot lable goes on the disk case. All the disks are shevled in numberical order by number assigned. this way I sort the data base, not the disks. When I pass the 500 mark in each thousand, I print the list. Data base is bakced up to flash drives. The software lets you sort every which way, including all the song titles. wonderful!
LP's - alphabetically - separate section for classical
CD's - alphabetically - separate section for classical
Cassettes - prerecorded ones by color of the case and home made ones by type of tape
8 tracks - are only for posterity
Great question! I have built an 8000+ LP collection over 30 years, and I have only 2 sections: Comedy and everything else. No joke. I have tried to get all the artists together, i.e. the Fleetwood Macs, Stones, George Harrisons LPs, etc all together, and one label, Blue Notes' all together, but I never had time to do it more orderly as it grew and grew. I know where a particular record is by sheer memory - a mental map of my collection gets me to my favorite record or one a friend might need. I know it sounds insaine, but it is what time permits given the overwhelming volume. Thought I'd share this w/ everyone.