How does a Transport effect sound?

hi guys,

Been wondering about this: How does a CD Transport effect sound?  Isn't it just reading the disc and sending the 1s and 0s to the DAC.  Shouldn't every transport sound the same?

The ONLY thorough solution is to accept interface jitter as a fact of life and use a DAC that rejects it.

OP, substitute the word "re-clocks" in place of "rejects" and shadorne's statement is entirely true. 

Have you ever directly compared the Canare LV-77s and Belden 8281F coaxial cables for jitter?

No, but if you send these, I will be glad to make measurements and post it.

Here are the ones I had on-hand and compared:

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Select a DAC that rejects interface jitter and then all that you will hear is the inherent jitter in its own internal asynchronous clock driving the DAC.

Absolutely true, and this is precisely the problem. You are trapped with a substandard Master Clock implementation that you cannot improve upon.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio