How does Aragon 24k/2004 stack up to modern equip?

I just picked up an Aragon 24k preamp/Aragon 2004 amp for a good price. I put them in my system where my Cambridge Audio Azur 840a resided and I must say I am VERY impressed. These are my first separates that I've owned, the speakers are JM Lab Cobalt 807's, speaker cables are Monster M1 mkII, and mains power cable is Straightwire Blue Thunder. Interconnects are MIT MI-330 series II. Like I said I love the sound, just wondering how these components stack up, and if anyone has cabling suggestions?
The 2004 and 4004 were superior to the 8008 series in my opinion. And the mk2 versions of these amps do compete with the best solid state designs from this time period IMO.
Fast forward to 2017. I just acquired a 24k sp that replaced a Marsh p2000. The Aragon is giving me the soundstaging I missed with the Marsh. Amp is a ATI 1502. Speakers are Kef iq10's. Really nice!


   I have a Aragon 4004. My first 2 units blew up on me. The 3rd I have had for 30 years.

I have a PS - Audio 5.5 Preamp and B&W speakers, and a Oppo CD player. The Sound is awesome!

I have owned Nad power amps and Rotel power amps, and they are not in the same league as my Aragon. Not even close!

Someone said they sound horrible. I have never heard that in my life!!!

The Aragon 4004 is built like a tank. Super low ends.

There is nothing in its price range that can compete with it.

You can get a Aragon 4004 on e-bay for $500. Super deal!

I will get another one if mine ever dies.

I too had an Aragon 2004. The sound was really good, clean, with power beyond its competition! The design was also unique. So, I was a happy camper for 5 years. Eventually, however, I went for my next upgrade.

Prior amps after having had receivers by Pioneer, Sansui, Kenwood, and Denon were:
Sony ES, Denon POA 2000, NAD, Adcom 555, Luxman M-02.

I had enjoyable listening experiences with the 2004 which I paired with the following:
B & W Matrix 805 (120w)
B & W Nautilus 805 (120w)
B & W Nautilus 804 (200w), it is at this juncture and out of curiosity that I considered upgrading once more.

With the higher power capacity of the Nautilus 804, I got curious if I still can get more out of the pair by feeding it with a better matched amp. While the Aragon was somewhat comparable sounding to the Luxman I used to have, the Parasound Halo A51 paired with the Parasound C1 Processor and connected via XLRs, just pleasantly surprised me! This I have to share with utmost honesty and sincerity--they simply blew my expectations! When the store I bought them from allowed me to have a 1 week test, I knew it should sound better. But how much better completely floored me!!! It was just another level of listening experience wherein so much more details were heard everywhere!
On familiar recordings, I heard instruments on the highs that I never knew existed and they were really crystal clear, yet sweet!!! Midrange vocals as well as instruments just came much more detailed and alive!!! And the bass was very quick and punchy, deep and well defined, tight and strong!!! All sonic spectrums were simply improved upon! It was a great match for the B & W 804s. 

I do not know how this Parasound Halo set would compare to the current Aragon 8008 or against other excellent makes or models? For sure there are a lot of better set ups with the current plethora of improved high-end stuff. But for now, and with special consideration to my present price point, I am really contented. The law of diminishing returns steps in greatly from hereon.

BTW, other brands I have had the chance to audition were: McIntosh, Conrad-Johnson, Anthem, Rotel, Classe, Audio Research, Proceed, etc.
Other speakers I've owned were: Kef 104.2, B & W 602, JBL 100 monitors, Bose 501 & 601, Pioneer, etc.