I completely understand your concerns. I shared similar worries before I bought my 1012. I totally agree with the posts above and have only a little more to add.
When auditioning the 1012 against "newer" competitors, I realized I tended to automatically equate newer with better. But I learned newer usually means "different" and any given person might like that difference. But maybe not if you listen carefully.
When I checked my biases, as much as anyone really can, the 1012 outperformed the newer and similarly priced equipment to my surprise.
So I stuck to my ears and bought it. And, after the same process, a 1060 to go with it.
The 1012 is a remarkable piece.
When auditioning the 1012 against "newer" competitors, I realized I tended to automatically equate newer with better. But I learned newer usually means "different" and any given person might like that difference. But maybe not if you listen carefully.
When I checked my biases, as much as anyone really can, the 1012 outperformed the newer and similarly priced equipment to my surprise.
So I stuck to my ears and bought it. And, after the same process, a 1060 to go with it.
The 1012 is a remarkable piece.