Corks, pbb. Corks. A simple cork upgrade can open whole new dimensions in your tastebudstage. I recently replaced the corks in a case of Chateau Montelana cabernet with Lafitte Rothchild corks w/Van Alstine mods ($350 for 12). Wow! It was as though a veil was lifted, revealing fascinating gustatory details previously hidden from taste. Oaks simply became oakier; cherry-chocolates were cherry-chocolatier; vanilla was vanillaier (sic). Tertiary flavors lingered longer on the palate with not the slightest hint of Mogen David aftertaste.
Next tweak for me: Lingual Alchemy wine racks. A bit expensive at $12K for the 48-bottle model but where else can you find that perfect blend of engineering (components laser cut in an argon atmosphere) with high-tech materials (osmium-tungsten alloy tubing filled with Maui sand quadruple-washed with water from Lourdes and sun-dried in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Great things portend. Full report follows.
PS. Anybody know where I can pick up some bottle-neck ferrites?
Next tweak for me: Lingual Alchemy wine racks. A bit expensive at $12K for the 48-bottle model but where else can you find that perfect blend of engineering (components laser cut in an argon atmosphere) with high-tech materials (osmium-tungsten alloy tubing filled with Maui sand quadruple-washed with water from Lourdes and sun-dried in the mountains of Afghanistan.
Great things portend. Full report follows.
PS. Anybody know where I can pick up some bottle-neck ferrites?