How does one get off the merry-go-round?

I'm interested in hearing from or about music lovers who have dropped out of the audio "hobby." I don't mean you were content with your system for 6 weeks. I mean, you stood pat for a long time, or--even better--you downsized...maybe got rid of your separates and got an integrated.

(I suppose if you did this, you probably aren't reading these forums any more.)

If this sounds like a cry for help, well, I dunno. Not really. I'm just curious. My thoughts have been running to things like integrated amps and small equipment racks and whatnot even as I continue to experiment and upgrade with vigor (I'm taking the room correction plunge, for example.) Just want to hear what people have to say on the subject.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Shadrone, Unless GAS is an acronym for something, the only GAS I see which keeps folks going round and round originates with manufacturers, reviewers, salesmen, and a few (too many) proud owners of something they bought. The latter can be forgiven though. The former are on the treadmill making the merry-go-round go round! They like to keep it going as fast as possible so ones fears injury if they try to get off. :-)
It's all predicated on the immature fear that we are missing something. Is there more to be had? Can I make it all mo betta? It's like striving for a higher high and needing to perpetually "up the dose".
No wonder it feels addictive and no wonder we feel like we are going around and around. No wonder we all knew exactly what drubin was saying when he used the term "merry-go-round".
Thankfully, I did not get off. In the last year, conservatively I would say that the realism of my music reproduction has improved by 50 percent. I would credit the breakin of my Weiss Dac202, the new technology in the StillPoints Ultras, John Tucker's new Exemplar Portal cables, the Bergman Sindre tt and Ortofon A-90 cartridge, fullest use of the Syn. Res. ARTs, and the new H-Cat X9 circuit in the amp, phono stage, and line stage. What a year!
In summary, sometimes you feel like a nut & sometimes you don't. Please don't say I can no longer be taken seriously.