How does power cord affect a digital frontend?

I think it does, but can anybody explain why and how?
I could guess how current demanding amp may be affected by weak power cord, but what about CDP?
From my experiences, power cords effect digital the most! They need clean, refined power and current isn't as important as it is with amps(and other high current components). Even a basic power cord designed to work on digital will get rid of some of the digititus and smooth things out- i.e. larger soundstage, greater transparency, greater image depth, texture/body, a more palpable presence- basically it makes things MUCH differnt. Most cases that different is better and then different power cords have different strong and weak spots- one may be super transparent at the expense of some body; etc....

In other words try a few and see what you hear, a lot of power cord companies offer in home trials so you have little if anything to lose.
I know it does too, but I don't understand it. What exactly is going on with different powercords? What are the physics behind how a powercord effects a component. Is it simply that it gets the electricity more easily through better powercords, or does each powercord contribute to/detract from the electricity in some way that effects the sound (greater transparency, larger soundstage, etc)? Are there any guidelines for pairing powercords with components or is it trial and error?
I agree with Tireguy. I notice larger improvements on my front end equipment including the pre. and transport.
I think most tweaks are more significant on the front.
I found even more than the powercord was the power itself & undoubtedly you have read about (or have) dedicated lines with high quality outlets. Someone once made the comment that the powercord was not the last 5' of the electrical chain but the first 5' & should be given the requisite attention. OK, I added on that last part but if the AC is not up to par, nothing you do can fix it.