How Electricity Actually Works

In November of last year I posted a Vertasium YT vid titled "The Big Misconception About Electricity".  Well it caused quite a stir and like an arachnid had many legs many of which attempted to draw A'gonrs into the poison fangs!

Well, here is the follow-up to that original vid which caused quite a stir in the "intellectual" community as well.

Vertasium "How Electricity Actually Works".


This does have implications for our audio cabling...




It is impossible for those stunk in the belief that an audio signal flows back and forth in a conductor from a source to an amplifier or to a speaker to understand how an interconnect or speaker cable could possibly sound different from one another. But yet for many of us they do...


My knowledge is well beyond this, but that still leaves absolutely nothing put forth by cable vendors or any here, beyond the most basic of parameters, that there is any mechanism that is relevant.

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I would like to say a hearty thanks to all who participated.  Pretty neat that it did not devolve into...well you know.



@jea48 Thanks for the links, Jim. Upon review, rcrumps concern and method was to make certain that each hot wire and each return wire was oriented in the opposite direction so as to maximize the current-carrying advantages of the wire’s direction. He recommended listening to the cable before deciding which way to install it, and then, supposedly, marking the finished cable’s optimum directionality. And, further the discussion applied only to solid core conductors. And they were building interconnects. I’m sure that a cable’s directionality is related to the topic of this thread, How Electricity Works, I just not sure how. The concept of wire being directional was new to me, and I was curious, thanks again for helping me out.