How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years?

I have owned and enjoyed my Jeff Rowland model 8 ( recently modded and upgraded by Jeff to the last version) for many years. I recently had the opportunity of comparing it ( after mods) to a few of the current ss models from Gamut, D'Agostino, YBA, Parasound, Sim audio, CH precision, Constellation,PS audio,Pass Labs  and Musical Fidelity. The results were very interesting, because to my ears and in the systems that we did the comparison, the Rowland held its own against all but the most expensive D'Ag and CH amps. Even those were only very slightly outclassing the Rowland in the areas of top end resolution...and a tad in the bottom end resolution. Now the thing is that the last revision to the Rowland 8 was designed by Jeff over ten years ago! 
So, my question for those more technically inclined than myself far has the design of ss amps come in the last ten...or even twenty years? 
Not sure what I have to add here, but I will bloviate anyway. I started in this hobby about the time solid state started becoming good--1978. I have had precisely 2 jaw dropping listening experiences since then. When the Rowland Model 7 was new, I spent an evening in Jeff Rowland’s house listening to his system. That was not one of them. The speakers were Sound Lab A-1s. Recently I toured the PS Audio factory and heard the Infinity IRS V with PS Audio’s top of the line gear. That was also not one of them. Both of my experiences occurred in stores. The first was the Audio Research SP-6 and D-79b playing through Acoustat 2+2s. The second, and most impressive, was Mark Levinson ML-2s with the ML-1 preamp through Magnapan Tympany IV panels. I was looking at the preamp when the music started, and my head snapped around and I uttered one word--"damn!" I remember it to this day.

Fast forward nearly 40 years, and I am now enamored with the sound of single ended triodes. I saw a speaker by Fikus Electric in Poland that is full range and will run on single ended power, but they do not export it out of the E.U. I decided to copy it using vintage Altec drivers which I already owned. The result, much to my surprise, was so good that it made my primary system, Sound Lab A-2s powered by a Musical Fidelity NuVista 300 and Nuvista preamp, unlistenable. I had been using this system for the past 18 years. So I started looking for a way to make my old speakers sound as good as the new, as I knew they could. Since the ML-2 was the most impressive amp I had ever heard, I started researching it. I had always thought that the output of that amp, 25 watts into 8 ohms, was insufficient to power the Sound Labs. But it turns out it is very high current and was designed for electrostatics, specifically the Quad 57. I found a pair, reasonably priced and recapped, and bought them.

They are everything I remembered from that one moment circa 1980, and my Sound Labs are once again my preferred speaker. In addition to my three S.E.T. amps, using the 45 output tube, I have a single ended transistor amp, a kit designed by Nelson Pass. This experiment has caused me to draw the following conclusions: First, single ended class A amplification is by far the most appealing for listening, despite, or maybe because of their high distortion. The transistor amp is as pleasant as the tubed amps. These amps will not power electrostatic speakers. Second, push-pull class A is nearly as good. I have calculated that my ML-2s draw about 1 penny per hour of electricity, I can live with their inefficiency. Third, any amp with crossover distortion cannot, to my ears, equal class A. This means class AB. As for class D, I have never been impressed, but this opinion might change if and when I ever hear a high end class D amp.

To get back to the subject of this thread, since I choose to listen to 40 year old SS amps, and tubed amps that could have been built 70 years ago, no, I see no real advancement in electronics design, at least when it comes to audio amplifier design. This statement is obviously not true for electronic design as a whole; micro-miniaturization has brought us computers, cellphones, and class D amplifiers, among thousands of other conveniences. But is a modern resistor or capacitor really better sounding than what they used 50 years ago? Are modern amplifier circuits significantly different from the classic ones? To a basic amplifier circuit, all you can add is complexity, and that, in my opinion, is not necessarily a good thing.
Seems that some of the classic designs have stood up relatively well...I have not been motivated to explore potential alternatives to my Threshold SA/1 monos 

After a lifetime of success in modifying components with spectacular results, I’m going to share with you my latest endeavor, which is still in progress, but so far has been a series of errors.

To begin with, I didn’t make proper evaluation of the job. In the past, I used expensive parts to improve not so expensive amps or preamps; the "mono blocks" I’m upgrading now are not inexpensive, they’re PrimaLuna. Next I didn’t make a proper evaluation of space needed for the new parts; I simply projected this grand vision in my head as to how much better these mono blocks would sound after these improvements.

"Mono blocks" require twice as many parts as a single amp; "no crap"?. Acquiring these expensive parts was a problem because no one had the number of parts needed, which meant I had to go to more than one vendor, that took awhile. After I acquired them, I realized they’re larger than parts presently in the amps.

I’ve had this pile of expensive parts for a year now, and I have yet to pick up a screwdriver or a soldering iron. Let me explain: These parts are "much larger" than the present parts in the unit; that means I’ll have to modify the case.

These units have 8 tubes per side; the tubes have to be removed, and the unit turned upside down before taking the bottom off and investigating.

A prizefighter doesn’t just get in the ring and say bring it on, he must be mentally prepared; I have to be mentally ready for this fight, and so far that hasn’t occurred.

My quandary: while I’m certain these parts will bring about that glorious sound which I seek, these Primaluna mono blocks that I’m enjoying, are not exactly mediocre in they’re present state.

Since I’ve shared all of my past successes in modification of amps, pre-amps, and other components, I thought I would share one that is still in progress.

"But is a modern resistor or capacitor really better sounding than what they used 50 years ago? Are modern amplifier circuits significantly different from the classic ones? To a basic amplifier circuit, all you can add is complexity, and that, in my opinion, is not necessarily a good thing."

Without a doubt; resistors, diodes and capacitors have improved in the last 50 years. Utilizing new parts will make a night and day difference with the same design.
@jdl57  If your Sound Labs have the original toroid backpanel, there's a tweak you can do that makes the speakers a lot easier (and better sounding) to drive! Alternatively you could get the new "Toroidal 2" backpanel that pretty much does the same thing.  If you really want to hear what ESLs do, traditionally since the Quads first appeared, ESLs and OTLs have been the way to do it. If your Sound Labs are so old that they have the original EI transformers for the high frequencies then they are already easy to drive, unless the bias controls are damaged which is very common with the older Sound Labs.