How good is Benchmark DAC1 comparing to......

Has anyone compared the DAC1 against the other greats like Wadia, ML, Theta, MSB , Meridian or Accuphase etc?
No, don't wait to purchase a DAC1 because of the forthcoming "adjustment". The "adjustment" does not in any way change the DAC1 itself.
Dne, am I right in assuming that the 'adjustment' is one of the permutations of the settings discussed in the user manual, as opposed to involving an adjustment not discussed in the user manual? That is, the 'adjustment' is some combination of front toggle, back toggle, rear volume calibration, internal gain setting, internal bypass of input select, etc?

I can't quite see the mystery and reason for the secrecy, which in one email I have received on this implies a commercial motive behind the secrecy. Can you please clarify?
That is part of it but there is some more.

I can certainly understand all the interest. But, I have to say that I didn't discover all this and so I really can't comment further -- the other party will have to do so. I don't know all the facts here and I have nothing more to add so please don't address any more questions to me on this subject. Sorry.

Hopefully all will be divulged soon.
To put it frankly, I think the interest is generated from the mystery that appears to have been orchestrated about this, and that it is beginning to smell a bit wiffy. If there is something to say, why not say it?

There is no great commercial motive here.
We are putting the finishing touches on something that improves further the benefits of the reconfig., but anyone can enjoy the sonic improvements with a small purchase from an electronics store.
The change doesn't turn the DAC-1 into the best dac ever
-or anything ridiculous like that- but it is a 'significant!' improvment to an already noteworthy d/a. The change does make it more alive, smooth, dynamic, dimensional, and makes the mid more a bit more palpable.

I hadn't intended to make much of a stir but before I let-on the change that anyone can do. I wanted to encourage those who ownwed a Benchmarks.

So I'll let-on soon. Also, anyone using a passive pre with their Benchmark or using the volume control is in for a real treat!

Thanks for being patience.