How good is the BAT VK40?

Hi guys,

I have the chance to buy a second user BAT VK40 for a good price. Any opinions about this preamp? How does it sound? I am currently using a transformer based passive preamp. The rest of my system is a TEAC VDRS10SE CD into TACT RCS2.0 room correction to an Audiosynthesis DAX Decade DAC. The power amps are Nuforce Ref9 and the speakers are Vienna Acoustics Mahler. The system sound fantastic but maybe too clinical therefore the thought of changing the preamp to the BAT one. Any thoughts and/or other recommendations greatly appreciated.

I currently use VK42 together with VK250 to drive my Monitor Audio PL300 and can recommend BAT solid state from my own experience. Fluid, dead silent and dynamic sound. Opposite of harsh. I had VK40 before VK42 and it was of similar character, but less dynamic and less bassy. Its sound was even more smooth and liquid than VK42SE in my experience. You can not go wrong with either of these.
Coltrane1 I agree with you for the most part but I have listened to the VK40 at the same time I had a VK5i and preferred the 5i simply because it had MUCH better midrange and topend extension. The 40 was faster and tighter but did not have the midrange bloom tube products are noted for. If I were to buy a solid state preamp then I would buy the VK40 no doubt. I preferred it over any ss preamp I have heard or owned.
Samzx12 I neglected to mention that my first tube preamp was the VK5i, which I owned at the same time as a Threshold T2, a flagship preamp from Threshold. I loved the 5i, and had a very difficult time parting with it, but in the end BAT's new user interface won out so I sold it to sample a VK30SE. It's very likely the satisfactory results I've been able to gain with a Vk40 in the loop have as much or more to do with my choice of loudspeakers. I'm running dual subs with CLS's, which are midrange/topend heaven for most audiophiles, and the end result is a positive one no matter what preamp I enter into the system. Although, I've never had anything less than what most would consider as a quality component/preamp within the chain. As always, results vary and are entirely dependent upon ones entire system. Enjoy!