How hard it is to replace the rca input on the shindo amplifier?

Does anybody know how to replace the rca input in my Shindo Montille Ampplifier?
I bought it used from an AG member. I just discovered that my RCA input was broken. The bass out put from my speakers is distortion. Please give me instruction of how to do it. I already order the Switchcraft RCA jacks which Shindo Used for their amp.
Thanks in advanced.
I use the electric one with sucker bulb and found it the most useful for all applications
I would probably want to use electric one with button, but 30W is insufficient most of times.
For many years I've had one of those spring loaded solder vacuuming devises ("solder sucker") where you just point it at the solder and hit the button…instantly sucks up the hot solder no problemo, weird but effective.
Desoldering stations are actually a lot more expensive then soldering irons.  Used Hakko or Pace desoldering stations are $250-300 used on ebay.  I bought my Hakko 472B years ago for about the same price.  Used pricing hasn't really changed in 10 years.  Cheapest recommended new item is Hakko FR-300 for about $270 (it has the pump built into the self-contained handle -- not as good as a full desoldering stations like the used 472B).  If you look at a used station, make sure it includes a vacuum pump (some stations require external "shop air" for suction).  Otherwise, you're looking at the cheap options that czarivey has mentioned.
Desoldering station is only good when you're too much of a perfectionist who want to de-solder the whole board and change all solder joints in other words waste some time.

Hi Calvin & all

I am reviving this old post. I too am in need to replace the RCA jacks in my Shindo pre. Would you know which part number of Switchcraft female jacks are used by Shindo please? 
