How I tamed digital glare.

For months I have been trying to eliminate digital glare in the my system, which showed up most noticably in the upper middle frequency vocal range, especially female vocals. I tamed some by replacing the stock fuse in my dac with HifiTuning Supreme Cu on the sage advice of Chris Van Haus of VH Audio, resulting in a significant improvement in tonal density, detail and clarity. So far, so good. Today I lightly dusted the laser lens in my CEC transport with a microfiber cloth and was astonished to discover a substantial improvement! And the laser lens and drive compartment appeared clean to begin with (in a smoke free environment). I tried cleaning contacts, swapping power cords and interconnects, rolling the tube in my MHDT dac, and so forth, but this simple protocol was more effective than any of those experiments. I suppose results may vary as every system is unique, but for me this simple tweak was revelatory: greater clarity and a signifcant reducton of hash. Wish I had thought of tt in the beginning; it would have saved me considerable time and frustration.
Post removed 

I agree with you completely. I just thought it should be recognized that one step was made. Not an easy one, I guess. Content and interpersonal communication is next.
This is actually quite interesting a situation that every single one of my posts hear have been deleted while the rest of you continue to attack me without allowing me to respond you have told me everything you think about me except how often you think I should go to church! It is amazing that in the country that supposedly prides itself on Free Speech and the First Amendment you are so quick to delete, eliminate, and forbid anyone to defend themselves you have created an ECHO CHAMBER so that only you're thoughts are allowed and this is why so many people think America is beyond help good luck with you're closed, elitist, self-righteous group where only those who agree with you, look like you, and speak like you are allowed! I am sure this post will also be deleted because it will offend those who like echo chambers are afraid and disgusted by those who do not agree with them! Family Values! Love your children! Don't tell me to love it or leave it because you could not pay me to live in your oppressed nation.

Hmmm, it is interesting, indeed.

I had two posts removed in which I urged for softer approach to clearthink and, basically, praised him to some extent.

It really does not matter much, but such decisions are bizarre at least.

I tamed the digital glare I was hearing when I went from a CD player to a music server.  I'm not trying to knock CD players, just saying in my system, files played back through a server sound smoother and more refined with no hardness or glare....that is unless it's on the recording.


I learned that our posts and the posts of the person we were discussing were removed at the request of someone on this thread.  I still think anything said in an offensive manor should be removed regardless of how much progress the offender has made in his/her communicating skills.