How important are the Speaker Cabinets?

I am curious to learn about speaker cabinet design and how important does the cabinet contribute to the overall sound. Does the weight of the cabinet make a difference. For instance a floor standing speaker that weighs 200 pound versus one that weighs 60 pounds or 300. Is there any correlation to weight and sound? How about material?

How much are you paying for the cabinet versus the drivers on an expensive pair of speakers?

Just curious?

somebody better call maggie in white bear lake and tell 'em they're missing out on all the fun.
Mechans (The Doctor) is a unique and brilliant person, as well as being a close friend of mine. He does have a few personal things going on, but I feel he's capable of expressing himself well enough even if I wish there were some paragraph breaks to make things easier to read. Yes, his posts can be difficult to read, and I would ask people to try to read his dry sense of humor/sarcasm he is trying to interject into things (which can often be impossible in the black and white of a discussion forum) when something seems really off kilter.

I wouldn't get too worked up over these things, I'm sure he doesn't...
Me thinks Mechans is planning on reviving the old LIRPA LABS brand. LOL.

Cabinets design is important, but I don't think they need to look like the hull of a Criss-Craft speed boat.
"baltic birch ply is 1 of the best materials"

I though all plywoods have the potential to delaminate and vibrate internally and thus should be avoided ?

07-17-09: 6550c
"baltic birch ply is 1 of the best materials"

I though all plywoods have the potential to delaminate and vibrate internally and thus should be avoided ?
There are lots of ways to laminate. I used to work in sales at a piano rebuilding store. I recognize the stock used in the cabinets of Magico, NuForce, and Lominchay--commonly called Baltic birch--as the same material the piano shop used for pinblocks. I've held the raw stock in my hands. This was a premium rebuilding shop and this stock was the best available for pinblocks, which have to be able to hold over 200 threaded steel pegs in a grand piano to anchor all the strings and enable them to be tuned. This stuff does not come apart!

In fact, this stock is very heavy, and certainly inert, because more of the weight is from the resin that holds it together than from the wood itself. It would be an excellent speaker cab material--very rigid, strong, cohesive, and inert.