How important is powercord synergy?

I understand the importance of system synergy as it relates to interconnects and speaker cable. Is matching the PC to the system as important or is just "clean" power all we're trying to achieve. I'm in the process of slowly upgrading my system and have been holding off with buying new cables until I have all the new components. My PC is Monster Cable which runs through a cheap power strip / surge protector. I'd like to upgrade sooner rather than later. Any opinions?
In general I agree with Stehno’s theories. Once the power situation is cleaned up and proper, the power cord is of a lesser importance because it’s not needed to tune/color the component. Many Audiogon members don’t want to believe me when I tell them in my system I get the best bang for the buck by using Absolute Power Cords that have been correctly cryogenically treated. Although I do use other power cords, I’m looking to purchase used Absolutes at a good price; any of you have any you want to unload?

IMO, two major keys are clean power and room acoustics!
Mootsdude, please keep in mind that I do not use aftermarket power cables per se. I use dedicated in-line passive line conditioners for each component that just so happen to include their own built-in power cables. This is ideal for those with dedicated lines.

I see what others say about waiting until after one purchases their components or at least wait until later to take care of the power cables and/or electrical and I don't understand that logic for two simple reasons:

1. There is potentially no 'after purchasing' to speak of unless of course one dies. It is pretty natural to continue the upgrade process until that day comes. Or until one experiences hearing loss. In other words, there is no afterward for some to many. It's 'ongoing' and constantly changing.

2. If one were to wait until any selected later point-in-time, one simply is not able to enjoy the benefits NOW of an AC power environment that has been properly addressed.

Every electrical tweak I have, which are several, are entirely independent of any component/system I may own at a given time.

And lastly, I have difficulty understanding why people go thru great pains in order to attempt to 'match' a power cable to a specific component.

I would think that either the power cable provides benefit in and of itself, or perhaps somebody is trying to correct flaws found in either their equipment and/or power cable and they are attempting to find the best sonic compromise because of a shortcoming.


I know well of design of Quicksilvers you're about to get. The AC issues are all taken care of inside the unit and less-likely you will gain something going through the powercord game.

You're about to get the unit of one of the finest quality manufactured nowdays so worry less and it's OK with stock powercord unless you need to run larger distances thus you need to increase the gauge.

The stock cord 14AWG can be replaced with Digikey 10AWG dedicated audio powercord that costs a small fraction of all after-market audiophile ones but offers absolutely the same level of performance.