How is your power bill?

Recently I moved my equipment to our vacation home south of the border. On average the power bill ran about $12 per month. After setting up the three Krell Amps (fpb 350s and a KSA 150) to drive the Maggie 20.1s, etc. and, in addition to listening to music, starting watching nightly action movies through the system as well. The new power bill was almost $70.00!!

Thoughts? Your experience with this?
RE: How is your power bill?

I saw my neighbor William standing in his yard, cleaning up branches after a recent storm. So I said,

"How is your power, Bill?"

He replied, "Mine's still on, and yours?"

Neither Obama or Bush would ask William that question, I say Albert for President.
I don't recall asking for input on Obama OR Bush in my original thread but I do have to agree with Albert - not sure about the "running for office" thing just yet though. I'll wait for Rush and Keith to weigh in first!!
Puerto, at least you understand why I was poking fun.

Regardless of who is (or was) President, there will be thousands and thousands of unhappy people. No one in that high office can make everyone happy and a post at Audiogon is not likely to change anyone's mind.
Anyone smart enough to be President would never think they actaully should be President............the smartest dont have that Dueschebag superiority defect or level of arrogance that feeds us leaders like we have had and do have today.