You have not identified which of the studio series you have so I'll comment on mine. I have 60v2's that are now just about a year old (get the picture?). I'm only pushing 50w RMS each side at present through a old NAD 7100 receiver and yes they need more power. Like you I was not happy when I first set them up they sounded thin, harsh and very bright. It took about 3 three months for them to "start" coming around to the point where I could sit and listen for any length of time at all. Give them time, lot's & lot's of time. Don't push them to hard in the early stages, medium to moderately loud. The drivers need time to work and relax. I'll tell you mine sound great now. I now get so relaxed and drawn in by music it puts me to sleep and I end up missing what I wanted to listen to in the first place! My wife now just leave's me there in the chair. Give it time my friend you should end up being very happy.
Good luck and happy listening.
You have not identified which of the studio series you have so I'll comment on mine. I have 60v2's that are now just about a year old (get the picture?). I'm only pushing 50w RMS each side at present through a old NAD 7100 receiver and yes they need more power. Like you I was not happy when I first set them up they sounded thin, harsh and very bright. It took about 3 three months for them to "start" coming around to the point where I could sit and listen for any length of time at all. Give them time, lot's & lot's of time. Don't push them to hard in the early stages, medium to moderately loud. The drivers need time to work and relax. I'll tell you mine sound great now. I now get so relaxed and drawn in by music it puts me to sleep and I end up missing what I wanted to listen to in the first place! My wife now just leave's me there in the chair. Give it time my friend you should end up being very happy.
Good luck and happy listening.