How long is it taking to receive a preamp?

Just heard that timeline for a preamp is still very delayed.
getting better?
You have to feel sorry for the makers.I ordered some capacitors from Madisound and sent by UPS and it took 13 days to get from Wisconsin to L.A..And we thought our postal service was slow!
I honestly case dealers now and make sure its "in stock". I've been given 3 month wait times on most items past their initial release dates (ex. releases October, ships February most times).

I've preorderd form very reputable people and delays ALWAYS happen. So if you really want something specifically you either wait, or shop around, and used is always a great option.

If it's in stock, again I haven't had issues, nor would I expect to. I've even gone international and as long as it's in stock, they can get it to me faster then local US dealer's can in most cases.

Happy hunting, and good luck!
Therein lies problem. Most stuff aint stocked as dealers have to buy and then sell.  
And manufs wait for order to produce.  And then production run is scheduled when manufs have enough to produce.

high end products are a pain in the ass. Great equip. But over priced. 

Post removed 
You will likely be waiting for any product in demand nowadays.
Savor it. Just Covid fallout.

Love the decbeanie comments. Yeah they are all on the cool aid.
Don't piss them off or you are out schmittenzie!

High end sales are good. Delivery is slow. Prices are rising.

I toured the ARC facility yesterday courtesy of Dave Gordon.
It was a treat. Best factory I have seen. Clean, organized and
they what they are about. Since the buy back 3 years or so ago
things have really changed for the best.

I saw a prototype yesterday of a new INT coming out soon that has me salivating!

Aman58-Where you getting your info?
Pass has not been accepting new orders for what, a year?now.
Marc Sammit is leaving Reno for Phoenix-(yeah) and this has
put things on hold. They are hoping for mid oct reeopening.