How many Lp do U have more than 5 of the Same

I was just going over some of my LP the other day to find out that I have 6 copies of Dark Side Of The Moon, 2 are Hot Stampers, but why do I keep the others.
Also 7 copies Of Dire Straits LP, no Hot Stamper.
Led Zep 1V, Oh probably 6+ copies, 2nd issue and up no 1st issue yet. I quess still hoping to find one.
I have 4 Box sets of Rene Leibowitz world Famous for his Readers Digest of The Nine Symphonies of Beethoven.
I have to many LP of the same title some 2 and 3 of the same title.
Must do something about it in the New Year.

Not to get into the other Audio gear that has been sitting for 2-3 years,Tubes, PC, Tweaks, IC, Speakers, DVD players.

Do you have a similar issue
I solve the issue of buying multiple copies of a LP by entering my LP collection into a database. I use iDBmaster for the iPhone to manage my record collection, so when I go to a record store, I check to see if I already have that LP. This saves me a lot of money. I must mention that I can no longer use iDBmaster because I upgraded to the iPhone 4 and iDBmaster does not work on the iPhone 4. I am now using Bento for iPhone, and I also have Bento 3 on my Mac Book Pro. You can do this with any Database program that supports your mobile device.
To answer Tjnif, I only deliberately seek out two copies of any LP I really like. With pop/rock, however, I just can't resist a really pristine copy when I come across a $1 or $2 copy in the used bins. I suppose I can also rationalize that when I become old and demented, I'll have an inexhaustible stock of pop/rock fom my adolescence plus a few to hand out to the kids. That said, I have five of these:
Led Zep III (including Classic)
Heart Dreamboat Annie
Rickie Lee Jones eponymous
Steely Dan Aja
Pretenders first three releases (including Nautilus)
Rush Permanent Waves (including MoFi)
Wall of Voodoo Dark Continent
Police Regatta De Blanc
(from the '90's) Man, or Astro-man? Experiment Zero
almost every beatle lp and off the top of my head most of the classic moody blues lps.