How many People own Working Reel to Reel Decks?

I just bought a very nice condition Revox A-77 on Ebay and I have to say I love the sound of tape. I wish I had done this years ago when it made more sense. I see that good quality reel to reel decks are getting snapped up on Ebay and I am wondering who is buying them and what they plan on listening to (prerecorded music or tapes they make). How many people here on audiogon actually own a reel to reel that works and they use it regularly? Thanks.
Sns, any 'quarter track' machine can play 'half track' tapes. You won't get the full signal-to-noise ratio, but you *will* get everything else.

It can always be converted by changing the heads, which will likely cost you a lot more than the machine itself did :)
i own two studers and two ampex decks as ell as some quarter track machines. I don't play pre-recorded tapes that often but it's a habit i might change.
I own a Techics RS-1500 w/ Seduction output amp, and a Pioneer RT-707. Both are in constant use at Casa johnbrown.

I record compilation tapes from CDs on the Technics (2 track, 7.5ips). For whatever reason, the CDs don't sound as 'clinical' once processed through the tape.

I use the Pioneer strictly to playback 7 1/2" pre-recorded tapes. The auto-reverse makes for a nice analogue 'background' source without the need to jump up and turn a record over.
I have 2 Crown decks...CX824 and a CX844 both are 4 track. The 844 is a 4 channel. The Crown's have pull out PCB's so I had the caps replaced using Nichicon's. They both sound great and are beautiful examples of American made tape machines.
I recently started adding Ampex's to my collection...I have a 440C with the servo motor and B electronics. This deck is currently being restored...should sound great when I get it. I also have a 350-4 and a 354 with 2 MX-10 mixers. The 350 is a real beauty and will be updated soon. The 354 has the blue CB and I am currently restoring that.
Talk about being hooked on reel to reels but there is nothing like the sound and they look great.
akai gx77 from 1983. works well. looking into the tape project to update the techniques 1700 i also have. bottlehead preamp and upgrades nice but expensive and they are also making 10" NEW prerecorded 2 track 15ips tapes that played back on this setup. look at CES reviews and the tape project website. yes, reel to reel in 2008 along with LP. digital is dead for 2 channel stereo.