I now have only 1 sub. No delays. No DSP. It is in the front left corner and 180 degrees out of phase. It uses Rel’s high level input from both L and R.
I found whatever I did, multiple subs interfered with the sound from the main speakers.
It sounds great - that is what counts.
What has become apparent, is my floor. Vibration through it. A timber floor with construction involving stumps. I have plans (that will likely be never done) of removing the carpet, ripping up the floorboards, removing the structure, levelling the ground and then preparing it for a concrete pour. No formwork is needed as the brick foundations of the walls will provide that.
I haven’t looked into if it actually needs rebar, but I’ll go there and have fun making it up as I go along. After watching a 5 minute video on YouTube of course. In addition to what might look sensible, I’m going to incorporate an immature shape into it and know it is there.
I have a couple of friends that can weld - they would find my plans funny. Both know about concrete foundations so I don’t need to waste 5 minutes on YouTube.
Then open up a window, get the 2 (?) concrete trucks and pour concrete through.
Floorboards back on top and carpet. It will likely still need a lesser form of joists between concrete and floorboards - or I ditch the elderly floorboards and use something else.
I could lower the floor which makes the possibility of tripping into the hallway at some point likely which I approve of and I think everyone else would too.