How many system makeovers to get to where u r now?

Because I have only limited experience, I couldn't say with certainty that what I own is the best out there. But those with plenty of system makeovers can shed some light for us newbies and not so newbies.
How many speakers came and went before you have found the one that satisfies and most likely will stick.
This can apply to amps and preamps as well, and sources for that matter.
Speakers, 11 pair.
Amplifiers, 22 pair.
CD players, 15 that I can remember, probably more.
Turntables, 21 at least.
Pre-amps, 11, and at least that many phono stages in addition.

These are products I purchased. I've had tens of dozens of other pieces of equipment for evaluation that failed to convince me to buy after testing.
Since 1979, in my main listening system:

Speakers: 6 pair (latest Opera Platea - 1 year ago)
Amplifiers: 4 (latest Prima Luna Prologue 5 - 3 years ago)
Preamplifiers: 2 (latest Musical Fidelity CD Pre 24 - 4 years ago)
Receivers: 1 (Pioneer 636 - not used since 1990)
CD players: 4 (latest SONY SCD 555 ES SACD - 6 years ago)

My other systems are another story. I experiment quite a bit. For example in my 2 channel HT system, since 1999

Speakers: 6 pair (latest NHT Classic 2 - yesterday)
Amplifiers/Receivers: 5 (Prima Luna Prologue 2 - 3 years ago)
CD player: 4 (Rega Apollo - 1 year ago)
DVD players 2 (SONY GX300 - 3 years ago)


In the last 5 years (not counting HT changes)-

8+ amps (now Meridian pre - amps in speakers)
12+ floorstamding speakers - many bookshelf (now Meridian DSP-5000)
3 CDP's (now mac mini+DAC)

I'm pretty happy with the Meridian system, it does more things right than other equipment I've had
this question is a bit a bit like asking addicts how many different drugs they've tried to get to the ultimate high. the answer is way too many, and the ultimate rush is generally always with the next score.
Speakers- 4 prs since 1980.
(And one set of 5.1 HT speakers)

CDPs- 5 since 1990.
(I still have 4 of these, as one is my main cdp, one is my SACD player, albeit very, very rarely used, and one is my cd recorder. The last one (my first cdp) is still in use as my cdp in a bedroom system.)

TT- 4 since 1980.

Tonearms - 5 since 1980

Cartridges - 8 since 1980

Receivers - 2 since 1980
(And one 7.1 HT receiver)

Amps- 4 since 1987

Pre-amps- 3 since 1988
(Plus one phono preamp)

Compared to the rest of the respondents, I can see I hold onto my equipment longer. (Perhaps I should show this thread to my wife! Maybe she'll allow me to make more changes to keep up with the rest of you!)