How much difference in sound?

I have a lower end amp ( Parasound 5125 ). How much sound difference would I hear with say, a $1000 or $1500 or even a $2000 used amp? I'm trying to slowly move up in quality , but I want to make sure I can hear the move up.

I also have a Nad C720 Bee
hi, if you switch to something like threshold sa3 , or pass labs aleph 5, or for tubes a rogue audio 88 , you should hear a big diffference in sound for the better !! all of these amps can be had these days for under 2 grand, and all of them sound killer with the right gear. you failed to mention your speakers and size of room , what kind of music do you listen to ? all of these things will determine what amp will work best, good luck and happy listening, chrissain
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I am using PSB T65's for my speakers. If I can hear a better sound ,I would not be opposed to getting new (used ) speakers in the next year to put with a new (used ) amp if the sound would increase in quality. This is the route I would like to follow. I would like a really clear maybe nuetral to warm sound. I don't understand quite yet what this would cost,but that is where I want to end up without going through numerous units,speakers, etc. ,(if that is even possible)

Room is 12 by 16, and music is rock,classic rock, jazz, blues
hi, after working at some of the best dealers is my state, and counting 20 years in the hobby at 37 years of age, I have heard some of the most expensive gear out there, no I have not heard it all, but I can tell you there are some amazing sounding stuff out there, that does not cost an arm or a leg. you will have to spend some money, in the long run maybe even ten grand or so, this could be out of your buget, maybe not , but this would get you a system that is as good or better than most systems I have heard in the fifty or sixty grand range. you will have to buy most gear used, which sucks for the local dealers, inless
they have used gear. your room is going to play a huge role in the overall sound, good rooom treatment is money well spent ! now to put the above comments into perspective, I have friends that have over three hundred thousand dollar systems, and some that have three thousand dollar systems, both can sound great. a good friend of mine has one of the best systems I have ever heard, regardless of cost, belcanto dac3 [used 1200-1500$ ] rogue audio m150 tube mono blocks [used 2200$ ] and revel gem speakers [used 3200$ ] with a revel b15 sub [used 1500$ ] this sytem sounds better than most sytems I have ever heard, including some very expensive ones ! simply amazing sound. last friday i brought over some other audio buds, one who owns maggies, most maggie owners think their speakers sound better than anything, especialy any box speaker, and he was blown away by how open the sound was, he said it was the best he had ever heard. the best really cheap sytem I have heard is a theta miles cd player, fed directly into a threshold sa 3 amp into a pair of revel f30 speakers, simply awesome for the money, less dough than the powercords now in my system ! just remember that no system is perfect, no matter how much it costs. life is about compromise. my short list of stuff to check out , revel anything, magnapans, vandersteen, threshold , pass labs, [ older aleph series ] rogue audio , conrad johnson,
theta, cal labs, belcanto , oh and forte amps, also a nelson pass design . good luck , chrissain
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