how much would you say a good set up cost

ok, we all have gear, but now days, what price do you think you have to spend to have a real good system. not over kill, just good equipment, good sound stage. all around mid to mid high. I'm saying at least 30-35 thousand gets you in that level. I was talking the other day with some friends and we never put a price on our gear. you always get this piece now then that later. but have you ever sat down and figured out just what you paid for your system. I was shocked when i did it.
I think the most important thing is determine one's audio aesthetic.

It takes time, and a lot of listening to systems and research.

Once one identifies with a philosophy of reproduction, then it becomes easier to determine how to achieve that within ones budget, expectations, and room size.

Just a few of the multitude of categories that come to mind are planar systems (which excel in room coupling), SET/single driver systems (which value coherency above extension), large scale dynamic systems, tube/triode (including OTL) systems (harmonics and fluidity), Horn based (dynamics), mini monitor (image specificity), all digital (including room correction for flatter in room response), etc.

Each represents a divergent path to achieving ones desired results. There are many price points that can be hit in each of these schools of thought.

And it becomes easier to research and weigh people's comments against one's known values, rather than just assembling components and hoping they will lead to long term satisfaction.

Personally, for me it was first hearing ESL63 USA's that catapulted me into the high end. Once I knew what type of system I wanted to assemble, it became possible to do just that within what I had to spend.

I can't do large panels anymore due to current space issues, but perhaps when I do have the room, I'll know clearly how to go about it.
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Like alot of folks here, I would say you don't have to spend anywhere near 30-35K to put a great sounding system together. If you buy smartly, it can easily be done for under 10K. My brother put together a system that only cost him about 4K, I think.
I think Tvad recommended two excellent combinations that would be very rewarding (Merlin/Ars Sonum or Audiokinesis/Atma-sphere)at the 10K level used - those combos would beat a lot of 30k systems IMHO.
Around here we have a saying regarding water craft…. “A boat is a hole in the water in which, you throw money.”

I believe it appropriate enough to consider a parallel here, “An audio rig is a hole in the living room you throw money into.”

Yep. It’s all ego. Case in point… of the rigs listed here and the figures pointed too…. Are prime examples enough. How many gave their ‘paid for’ prices, or their “MSRP retail” prices?

I never kept a running total on the expenses I’ve made to attain the sound I wanted… in fact. My heart couldn’t stand it. At some point, I reassessed my goals and started getting OK with what was on hand, instead of chasing a myth. My myth being something akin to a point just past perfect.

I got so caught up in things that I was buying stuff I didn’t need, with money I DIDN’T HAVE, to IMPRESS PEOPLE I HADN’T EVEN MET YET!

On the whole, ROUGHLY SPEAKING, I’ve thrown $29K or so in what’s on hand now. Total. For everything in all 3 systems including projector, receiver, 120 inch screen, etc.

Not counting what I did to enclose my room and redecorate it… add another $8-10K there. I’ve a bit further on to go too. Perhaps a Remington, or a Monet.

Only my Sound Anchor amp & speaker stands plus my Oppo DVD player were paid for at MSRP. That were some of my best moves though, given price to performance. On some other’s I paid quite close to retail.

I spend more time listening to my $3K BR rig than I do my main one, by a long shot. I think I enjoy each about the same.

Loudspeaker size IS important… as was said. I found it quite interesting, and as well, very frustrating, picking out the most recent speakers that are living here now… rent free by the way! There must be thousands upon thousands literally. The herd gets culled very quickly when cost, esthetics and electronic temperament are examined more closely however.

My bucket still has a small hole in it and more duckets will be cast into it, albeit, not much more.

, then there’s one of my fav sayings, “If you’ve only one ear, stereos are half off.”

It is a heck of a lot more expensive to create a nice high end video system for the visually impaired. Maybe I should have thought about that a mite longer before it’s undertaking…. Guess I’m stil a bit short sighted. ;-))