How to fix CD?

Okay, I take very good care of my CDs. Handle 'em like my LPs. But over the years, a few have somehow developed whatever makes them freak out and get stuck. Looking for suggestions/products to take a shot at repairing the glitches so they won't freeze up.

I'm sure I'm not alone in this!
Can anyone suggest how you rip and burn a cd and make it sound good? I've tried slow rips and burns on high quality cd-r's and they sound horrible. I'm using Windows Media Player.
I have found that using a cd treatment can help with cd's that are scratched. I use the auric by audience. It really works, it helps the quality of the sound, the bass response and the clarity, but as a secondary benifit, on a few of my cd's from my youth (which I didn't care for as well) I found that thet dont skip at all. It treats 200 to 300 cds permanently. and costs less than 60$ That would be an easy fix. Try it.
If we're talking scratches here, there are a few companies that polish the CD surface. Google "CD repair".
Haven't tried this so can't make specific recommendations.