Amps which double their rated outputs or don't aren't always the place to start looking for brightness issues. Doubtless few if any of us will actually push an amp far enough along that it needs to output its highest level of voltage or current production. Usually we arent even close to requiring such amplitudes.
I've owned Krell, BK, & BAT, SS amps along with reasonably sensitive, and insensitive speakers ranging from 84db to 93db. 2 ohm to 8 ohm.
Brightness usually results from areas other than limited power output.
The glaring item indicated here predominately is the rooms outfitting and why so many point to making changes there and I do agree.
thats not the only place Id look. One spot to check out is your cable/satellite ground connection. It may not be as pronounced a thing as to produce the usually noticeable ground loop noise, yet might be still introducing sufficient artifacts to the system which will affect the upper midrange and treble areas by its very nature. I -say this as it was my issue twice. Once in my old home, and then again in this new one.
Simply remove the main incoming cable connection, and/or go outside to the power pole and lift the cable ground. Wait a half an hour or so, and try the rig again. It should be plainly evident if thats contributing.
Having recently heard the butler topology in my own system, Im hard pressed to believe its the amp. Especially if you are using the 250 wpc version. I used one with 100 wpc less. Theres nothing bright about that amp at all. I found it extended and warmish across the freq range. The amp aint it. It drove my 86db dropping to 2 ohm towers, handily.
It seems though, cables arent a concern for you as none are listed nor has a response been issued that I noticed as to what is where on your rig in that regard. Wires matter.
Cabling is a part of, not a part from, the total system synergy, contrary to what others might feel. Such is my own exp. My failure to properly address the wiring cost me sufficiently. I thought the system entirely mismatched and lost a lot selling it all off in near new condition then setting about to replace it all over again with different items, naturally. Sony CDP, B&K, Krell pre & amp, Monitor Audio Gold 60, BW 9NT, 805, 600S, Velodyne sub.
It wasnt the gear.
Lastly, as power filtration or conditioning was also left out of your list of system componentry I would look there too. Power line artifacts can indeed cause some attenuation of the freq band and by so doing, seemingly enhance other portions of it and contribute mightily to the fatigue factor. With a good one youll hear less of what you arent hearing, and more of what you should.
Isolation or racking & shelving of the gear is as well, another area you might look into. You dont mention the stand you use either so I gotta in all good conscience jot that down as it can also be quite contributory to affecting both sound staging and tone.
I went from an MDF wood rack, to a metal rack with acrylic shelves and could not figure out why my formerly rich and warm sounding rig became so fatiguing. At that time I BAT pre and amp, with either Phase Tech or VR4 JR speakers upscale cabling, and PS Audio & Shunyata passive power line filters at various times again, it wasnt the gear.
It was how the gear was set up.
Adding pods, nodes, shelves/platforms helped a lot, but getting a dedicated well damped rack was the true big deal changer. Plywood helped on the metal & plexiglass monstrosity I had, so did simple wood block footers, especially the Ebony & Mahogany ones. Cocobolo was by far the smoothest sounding though of the lot.
These few areas are quick and easy enough to investigate and their associated fixes are quite inexpensive, save for the power line option, and cabling updates or upgrades.
Wood block footers are near free, compliant footers arent much more see herbies Audio labs, a filter unit for the inline coax is about $10. A 2x2 hunk of Plywood is about $5. The Cable Co rents conditioners and cables too.
At some point (s) Ive had similar issues to yourself, and all of the above were areas I had to ultimately address to resolve it/them.
Unless your gear needs servicing, that aint it.
Believe it or not . Good a Ripleys plug.