Al .. Reverse polarity makes perfect sense and what I first thought of if you flipped Hot and Cold PIN .. but not being very well versed in Balance Technology I knew you would know and respond .. I seem to remember some Agon members having a problem with this interface many years ago .. thats what made me think it could be Pavpet's problem
Pavpet .. if my last post was a Long Shot .. this one is a Shot in the Dark
I quickly read a review on your Pre at Dagogo ... from the article it says there are multiple volume controls to control different groups of outputs ...
Dagogo ReviewHeres the blurb from Dagoo
Of particular interest are the separate volume controls. The preamp has its own main volume control (it is a very high-quality analog potentiometer) which controls both of the separate output groups. Each output group has three separate outputs: one group with two XLR connections and one RCA connection, and a second group with two RCA connections and one XLR connection. Two separate, additional auxiliary volume controls allow you to control the relative output of each group, which gives you incredible flexibility."
I know you know your Pre inside out this is just speculation based on what I quickly read ..
Dagogo says .. Two separate, additional auxiliary volume controls allow you to control the relative output of each group, which gives you incredible flexibility.
Is there a chance you have the RCA and the XLR ICs plugged into different groups and possibly have the volume control on the RCA group turned up and the secondary volume control turned down that controls the group the XLRs are plugged into ?
If both the RCA and XLR ICs are plugged into the same group ... that shoots that theory to Hell .. but if they are in different groups ... turn all the volume controls up if they are not ... or move the XLR to the same output group that the RCAs are plugged into and playing through if it isnt
Just a Shot in the Dark
"Big problems have small solution"