How to pack floor standing speakers for shipping

One of the things I frequently see are people saying that they cannot ship their floor standing loudspeakers and must have local pickup. That shrinks your potential buyer pool to almost nothing. Your speakers sit for months and years, and when you do sell them, you get pennies on the dollar for what you paid for them.


I recently moved to Hawaii from the mainland and had to pack my custom made loudspeakers, which are fine furniture. Here's how I did it and you can too. You're going need the following materials found at Home Depot.


- furniture wrap. It looks like a giant roll of Saran Wrap.

- Bubble wrap. Get the kind with big bubbles.

- Packing popcorn


Next you're going to go to a place that sells packing cartons. Many long term storage companies will sell packing materials. Get wardrobe cartons. They are very thick and strong cardboard, and typically about 5 feet tall.


Step 1: Wrap your loudspeaker in the furniture wrap. Go around several times.

Step 2: Wrap your loudspeaker in at least a 2" layer of bubble wrap.

Step 3: Layer the bottom of your wardrobe carton with:

-> 1" layer bubble wrap

-> 1" layer packing popcorn

-> 1" layer bubble wrap


Put your wrapped loudspeaker in the carton and fill with packing popcorn. Fill above that with layers of packing popcorn and bubble wrap.


Assuming that your speaker is not 5 feet tall, using a box cutter, cut the top of the carton to fold over the loudspeaker and seal up.


If you've got a loudspeaker that is worth $4000 or more, than instead of getting only $500 for it like you eventually will, or worse, give it to your kid for his college dorm room, then it's well worth it to pack it up this way.


Never had a problem selling locally or shipping in the original boxes strapped to a pallet, shipped freight.


$75 worth of material at Home Depot.  Skill Saw and a drill + wood screws. Purpose built to size.   Speakers always arrive in perfect condition.  The creating is well worth the effort.  Can't put a price on sleeping well at night. 😁



I'm never afraid to ship and I generally quote my prices shipped.  

But I never try to convince someone who won't ship that they should.  first, they may not package the item well.  second if something does happen, then you are in a bad situation.
