How to protect against burglary

I just wanted to get a idea on what other audiophiles have in place to discourage intruders and protect from burglary.

Any good ideas and recommendations for security companies to use?

I use a more common sense approach. As mentioned above, you are not going to stop a determined professional. The key is not making it easy. A good dead bolt lock on all entry doors that has long screws that anchor in the studs of the door frame. Plant rose bushes or other thorny plants in front of back yard windows. Motion sensitive lights in strategic places. Dogs are good, but you don't need a threatening one. One that barks at strangers will attract attention the burglar doesn't want.

Also Hi End gear is unlikely to be the primary target of most thieves. They are looking for what the average consumer stuff and whatever valuables are available (jewelery, cash, etc) for quick buck to make their meth buy.

Of course you should have insurance and make sure it covers your stuff. In this Hi Tech age it easy for everyone to document equipment with pictures. Makes it easier to claim on the insurance.
Everyone has right to feel safe in their property and the right to ensure that their family and their possessions are not at any risk. Today’s advanced home security technology, can give homeowners peace of mind.

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security guard for hire
Any piece of equipment weighing more than 50lbs will probably deter a burglar -it's tough to run with a 50lb pack - so buy heavy gear :-)

Seriously, I was once told by a guy who lived in a high crime area that all he did was to display Radio Shack security stickers on every window on the ground floor

He was never broken into while other houses around him were always getting hit

The so called "professional thief" will not be deterred by anything, but then they are only scoping houses with more serious valuables that are easier to carry.

Give the stickers/signs a try.
I have non working horn,lights & empty camera enclosures on my front & rear porch areas. Plus a Belgian Shepherd. No one comes on property unless invited. The camera enclosures will soon have cameras in them.
Canine security done right is THE best deterrent. You need the RIGHT breed and bred in the old style , and THREE of them. With work, you will receive total devotion to you, family and your welcomed friends. The ill-intentioned shall take heed! :)