How to "break-in" new speakers??

A number of posts regarding the so-called "break-in-time" (or is it "burn-in-time) for new speakers have muddied the waters for me. If I recall correctly, some posts recommend that new speaker "break-in" could run anywhere from several hours to 175 hours, or more (good grief!), depending on the speaker manufacturer and model/type in question. In my case they would be the Rega RS-1 bookshelves. On other posts I have read that burning-in is a red-herring and should be ignored. I have also read that a proper burn-in should be done at a high volume, but not so high as to damage the speakers (an unnecessary caution), while simultaneously running the speakers non-stop for the necessary burn-in period. I find myself especially resistant to the last half of these recommendations, if only because I would like to think it possible to get a good nights sleep while simultaneously doing right by my speakers. I can only hope that however many responses I receive will not further muddy the already dark waters.
>>12-03-11: Mceljo
Speakers don't need to be loud to break in<<


Speakers do in fact need elevated SPL to break in properly. The cones are quite stiff initially and the higher SPL helps their flexibility.

As a matter of fact Zu Audio recommends specifically what I am posting.

Hope that helps you understand better.

The first time I listened to C-1's I thought they were horrible. A guy was selling a pair on Audiogon and he brought them over for me to audition. He told me they only had 50 hours and needed to be broken in. I didn't believe the guy and I passed on the C-1's. 3 months later I heard them at a dealer and thought they were fantastic. I recently bought a pair off Audiogon and I'm really enjoying them.
I never bought new speakers so can't know how it works in different cases. From what I read it might take a few hundred hours for them to reach full potential. I would play them at mostly moderate level during the break-in time.
Mirage also warns against playing new speakers loudly until they've completed the break-in period of around 100 hours. 100 hours is 2/3 of a week at 24 hours/day. If you listen 2 hours a day it would take almost 2 months to complete initial break-in. Some brands (e.g., Totem) specify a break-in period more like 500 hours. That's three solid weeks of 24/7 or 8 months at 2 hours/day.

I put on FM radio or iPod running at low volume 24/7, and turn it up to moderate levels for listening. Breaking in my subwoofers was less intrusive because I turned off signal to the mains. The subs breaking in sounded like somebody was having a not-too-loud party two floors down.