How to replace volume pot in Dynaco Pas

I have just aquired a Dynaco Pas 2 preamp. I would like to replace the funky volume pot.I have a alps style pot and I also have a stepped attenuator to use.Both the Alps and the Stepped Atenuator have 6 lugs for connecting.The stock Pas pot has 12 lugs. Normally there would be R-in,gnd.,R-out,L-in,gnd.,L-out.That's six.
The pas has 12 and a couple of caps connected as well. Can anyone enlighten me on how to change this out?

thanks in advance.

Viridian: I was thinking I would just purchase on of the upgraded power supply mods from Audio Regenesis. Here is there link:

Not expensive and a easy conversion and makes the amp much safer and with better power supply.

I am also going to try my 25k stepped attenuator.I will let you know how it goes in the next day or so.

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Viridian: Do you think I should use a 100k pot? I am not using the loudness feature.I have been looking at the math and I am unsure.
The low level input is 50k and the high level input is 250k and the output is 1k.

I have been reading up on pots and attenuators and I will admit that I am a little confused.I was never very good at math and the equations (as expressed in the white paper I am reading) are beyond me.I understand the concepts but am having a problem putting numbers to formulas.

If you or anyone has experience with this or a recommendation I would be very grateful.

rank beginner hack

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