Dbphd, just to reinforce here, I am presuming here that you would like to stay all high/higher end gear, from your comments and suggestions? That said, maybe we can clarify a few points that were touched on.
First, it's all subjective, of course, and everyone goes differnt directions on this stuff. So there's no one answer for all, or we would all end up with the same systems! And it's certainly quite the opposite in my experience.
Ok, One, the PAV's Video cirquitry (although likely great years ago) is way outdated, and much much better can be had now for pennies on the dollar-even from cheapo av receivers on the market - from compared to what you're PAV cost! Am I right here? I'm pretty sure here. Two, the PAV being rated as Stereophile class A is going to be as a standalone AV process, compared to others at the time - best of class. That's about right for what it was. But as far as being "Class B" rated for analog preamp, I would stronly have to differ! My two decades in and around the high end av business suggests that that Proceed would not legitimately belong in Class B Stereophile's ranking, IMO. Great as an AV piece, with good refinement for what it is, but not as good as the dedicated analog stuff. I'm gunna take most any Class B rated Audio Research, Bel Canto, Krell, Pass Lab's, Copeland, Cary, whatever 2 channel pre rated Class B over your Proceed for 2 channel dubties, I'm quite cetain.
But really, honestly, putting so much legitimacy on ANY mag's ranking system has to be taken without much weight, really. I mean bottom line is they're all "selling soap"! Agenda's and incentives will dictate a lot of that. It's always been that way. Products get rated Class A, then drop to class B, down to C over time, and so on. I mean you can't tell me that the $250 dollar/pair of B&W Dm302's were a legit Class C Stereophile rated piece, nor did the any of the Bryston stuff deserve Class A, the Parasound stuff and Mirage speakers getting Class B, and so on! And to say the Halo piece deserves a legitimate A rating as a 2 channel pre?! I'm quite certain a $4500 CAT preamp will destroy a Parasound ANYTHING! I'm sorry, but someone paid someone here. That's all I'm going to say.
As for the use and integration of a "pass through" or direct in on a 2 channel pre, now that's a legitimate feature! But still, you can use auxilary or other in's and get great results by looping a dedicated AV pre/pro through the pre, sure. And, in you're case, I'm recommending just that - that you loop some av processor through a 2 channel analog preamp, and switch that way.
As for buying a very expensive Anthem D2? Well you can ofcourse go that route. You can even go Theta with Gen III DAC's for 10's of thousands if you like! But will you get the return for movies? I doubt it. I'd stay reasonable av pre with all the latest, and focus on your 2 channel pre quality, if it where me. The quality of the digital processing, and overall sound for what it does/offers is exceptional right now, for not much! You're only going direct digital, and processing all the digital in the outboard pre with these new tech's. Analog connections can be left to your 2 channel preamp connectivity.
Anyway, that's my 3 1/2 cents.
It's all good though...
First, it's all subjective, of course, and everyone goes differnt directions on this stuff. So there's no one answer for all, or we would all end up with the same systems! And it's certainly quite the opposite in my experience.
Ok, One, the PAV's Video cirquitry (although likely great years ago) is way outdated, and much much better can be had now for pennies on the dollar-even from cheapo av receivers on the market - from compared to what you're PAV cost! Am I right here? I'm pretty sure here. Two, the PAV being rated as Stereophile class A is going to be as a standalone AV process, compared to others at the time - best of class. That's about right for what it was. But as far as being "Class B" rated for analog preamp, I would stronly have to differ! My two decades in and around the high end av business suggests that that Proceed would not legitimately belong in Class B Stereophile's ranking, IMO. Great as an AV piece, with good refinement for what it is, but not as good as the dedicated analog stuff. I'm gunna take most any Class B rated Audio Research, Bel Canto, Krell, Pass Lab's, Copeland, Cary, whatever 2 channel pre rated Class B over your Proceed for 2 channel dubties, I'm quite cetain.
But really, honestly, putting so much legitimacy on ANY mag's ranking system has to be taken without much weight, really. I mean bottom line is they're all "selling soap"! Agenda's and incentives will dictate a lot of that. It's always been that way. Products get rated Class A, then drop to class B, down to C over time, and so on. I mean you can't tell me that the $250 dollar/pair of B&W Dm302's were a legit Class C Stereophile rated piece, nor did the any of the Bryston stuff deserve Class A, the Parasound stuff and Mirage speakers getting Class B, and so on! And to say the Halo piece deserves a legitimate A rating as a 2 channel pre?! I'm quite certain a $4500 CAT preamp will destroy a Parasound ANYTHING! I'm sorry, but someone paid someone here. That's all I'm going to say.
As for the use and integration of a "pass through" or direct in on a 2 channel pre, now that's a legitimate feature! But still, you can use auxilary or other in's and get great results by looping a dedicated AV pre/pro through the pre, sure. And, in you're case, I'm recommending just that - that you loop some av processor through a 2 channel analog preamp, and switch that way.
As for buying a very expensive Anthem D2? Well you can ofcourse go that route. You can even go Theta with Gen III DAC's for 10's of thousands if you like! But will you get the return for movies? I doubt it. I'd stay reasonable av pre with all the latest, and focus on your 2 channel pre quality, if it where me. The quality of the digital processing, and overall sound for what it does/offers is exceptional right now, for not much! You're only going direct digital, and processing all the digital in the outboard pre with these new tech's. Analog connections can be left to your 2 channel preamp connectivity.
Anyway, that's my 3 1/2 cents.
It's all good though...