HT cross over question

I am trying to integrate an analog 2 channel stereo plus a sub using a pass through pre amp and two channel amp with my Yamaha HT reciever.
Basically sharing the mains and sub between the two systems.

So... I am not using the LFE output of the AV receiver. I have the LR signal going pre out ... passing through the Audio Research pre amp and then output from the Audio Research as single ended L and R to the line level inputs of the sub... The sub x over is now at 60 Hz... then the sub output is High pass filtered at 80 Hz and going into the single ended inputs of the classe power amp.

I have the Priority of two channel over HT and so the sub's crossover set at 60 Hz and the volume complimenting my Kef 104.2 LR main speakers using the balanced side of my system.. set by ear ... and may be changed over time.

My question is... what should I set the AV cross over?

I have set all of the speakers to SMALL and the AV receiver is set to mix all low frequency info and output to the LR mains (no sub woofer defined for the AV receiver). Currently the AV receiver x over is set to 80 Hz.

My understanding is that multichannel low frequency info including the LFE stuff is digitally filtered at 80 hz in all channels and then all of this info is combined and output full signal to the LR mains and thus sent to my sub. Where the Subs analog filter is sending the 60 hz an lower info to the sub and the 80 hz and above info is output to the LR main speakers.

It would appear that I have created a hole between 60 and 80 HZ...

What should I do to start... raise the sub xover to 80 when I switch between systems?

What should I listen to to optimize these filter settings?

Do I have to break down and get an spl meter?

If I use the balanced side of the system... the AV reciever is sending the full range plus lFE info out through LR which is then ampliied and sent to the mains.. while the sub sees that signal and filters at the cross over (currently set at 60 Hz) Seems like I wind up with too much bass summing here and the Kefs are trying to reproduce all of the boom boom of a theatre track as well.

I am confusing myself! Is there an OK solution?
I'm not sure I understand your setup, but I'd guess you want to defeat the crossover at your sub and rely only on the 80 Hz of your AVR. Before I had KEF 107/2s which do have substantial LF extension, I used a pair of 104/2s which roll-off below about 50 Hz so do need to be supplemented by a sub. Buy a Radio Shack SPL meter, and use that to set the LR and sub levels equal. You can use the AIX Records audio calibration disc as a source or if your AVR generates white or pink noise for this purpose you might use that.
Set all the speaker sizes to LARGE and set subwoofer to NO that way the AVR routes the full signal to the speakers and none to the sub.
OP's KEF 104/2 speakers need to be supplement by a sub for LF extension. If Op uses an 80 Hz crossover and equal levels to all speakers, the transition to the sub should be imperceptible.

i suggest NOT going through inferior sub cross, and simply go full range direct for stereo, and maybe run sub from parallel speaker connections for music duties. then, id run sub line level n crossed over from Yamie processor for movies, also crossing over mains from processor setting in yamie to match for movie applications! keeping sonic midrange n treble purity is key, and then necessary processor internal EQ for the MORE demanding dynamic ht duties, is critical,
Db I hear good results setting the sub up as you suggest playing music... very pleased with dropping the kube 2000 out..

Avgoround... The problem is the flexibility in connecting the sub . I prioritize two channel music. so the amp takes balanced outputs from the pre and the sub gets the full range pre amp out put to the single ended LR inputs of the sub and cross over as Db suggested.

When I run the Home theatre... I use the same single ended pre amp outs to the sub... set the sub cross over and high pass output to 80 and flip the amp to uses single ended inputs now coming from the sub. its a bit congested but it is a movie..

Everything I read about the sub warns you about using both the high level speaker inputs and the low level single ended inputs. I don't see how I can avoid this setup. The only sub that seems to be able to set up using both inputs are the Rel brand which appears to let you toggle between the two kinds of inputs.