A direct lightning strike to your home (not through the service panel) is the only possible threat this overkill might {A}ffect. Even then, a direct lightning strike has been seen to arc through almost any protection scheme.
The statement reeks of inexperience. Obviously came from one who has never had to deal with real world issues. No idea.
I've been there - done that. I know what happens & what it takes firsthand from dealing with numerous damages due to transient surges in the consumer, commercial, & industrial realms. I know how to protect, what causes degradations, what doesn't. David has an excellent grasp on the situation as well, including minimization of the surge impedance of his line source. Line surges (NOT necessarily lightning related) can originate from within or from without. Connect directly-to-line; you're asking for it & sooner than later you're gonna get it - deservedly so. Suffer the consequences if you can afford the waste of time & money. I chose not to live through *that* again - it's happened twice already.
You don't know the sickening feeling of seeing fire literally flying out of your amplifer's top grille vents as I do. My multiple protection layers reduced the damage to only a single failed op-amp during the second event.
Larry's (Lak's) description of breakin above is certainly adequate from my experience.