Hum From Speaker

1. I hear a low Hum from my speakers.
2. When I increased the volume the Hum does not increase.
3. I disconnected everything from Amp except the speakers and I still hear the Hum. Not even the interconnects were connected to the Amp. Just the Amp plugged into the wall with a cheater plug as a test.
4. All other components were disconnected from the wall.
5. I can't hear any Hum from the Amp unless I put ear right on the Amp.
6. My Amp is a Sunfire 5x200

Does not seem to be ground loop.

Any Ideas? Any Solutions?

Thanks ahead of time.
After Rita's Vintage Audio replaced the Lytic caps on the Amp Channel Boards and the Tracking Downconverter Power Supply Board the hum is gone. Bob Carver signed my amp too.

The Amp sounds awesome. Thanks Bob and Rita.

Also thanks to Ghstudio!!!