Humming noise in speakers

Each time I turn my system on, I get that humming noise in my Monitor Audio monitors. Why's that? How can I resolve this problem?
PARASOUND power amp/CONSONANCE CDP (directly hooked-up to the P.A.)/Audio Magic Stealth/Phoenix Gold IC's and speaker cables.
Thank you so much for your eventual help.

Which conditioner solved the ground loop problem? I don't have a conditioner yet but run into the occasional loop gremlin.

I had that and it was the refrigerater. If the ground thing above doesn't work, you could try to find the guilty appliance. I got a power line conditioner, Not only did the hum go away, but I spent about 3 times as much as it would to just make the hum go away because of the improvment in sound. And the inconsequential side effect of food that lasted longer.
It's better to float the ground on your power amp and
leave the preamp/source components grounded.

Also, check and sure your IC cable connectors fit tight.