hybrid solid state amps

i would appreciate the names and models of companies which manufacturer hybrid ss amps. i am aware of two, vincent and moscode.

once i have the list i will try to listen to as many as i can.

the only restriction is retail price at $8000 or less , new, and weight below 80 pounds.

Unison Research (Italy) also does some interesting hybrid products at and well below your budget.

For your budget you may be able to find a second hand AMR AM-77 which is a hybrid from the UK.
And if you only feel like taking a punt on a lower cost Vincent (similar to the SV-236 but not the same) you could always consider the Sheng Ya A10CS . It sounds great for the money.
The Blue Circle 200 series are great hybrid amps. The BC202 would fit in your price range. I personally own the BC206 and BC208. The designer, Gilbert Yeung, is easy to work with and will customize the units to your preferences including their costmetics.

there is another hybrid to consider.

the aria wt 100, designed by mike elliot of counterpoint fame.
Aria WT100 is a good choice. I have a NP100 with the Platinum upgrade, which is supposed to be very close to the Aria WT100. I have it voiced to sound like a SET amp. a very good amp IMO....