As you know, the better equipment you have, and the more attention you pay to detail, the better the audio.
A top notch interface is essential to transferring analog to digital, your computer must like what you're feeding it, or it will not digest it properly also use an Audio Blaster sound card, plus an external hard drive, and WAV as opposed to FLAC; that's why there is "0" difference between playing a record, and listening to the playback from my hard drive; I can even distinguish the minute differences between cartridges; which is why I have to re-record my vinyl if I upgrade cartridges and want to hear the improvement.
That's a lot of trouble, but it's worth it to me. In regard to FLAC versus WAV; you are an "audiophile", all of this matters; if you want to have a perpetual smile on your face while enjoying records you have spent a lifetime collecting, without having to turn a single record over, this is the way to go.