I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?

I currently have Technics 1200G turntable with Dynavector 17XD cartridge playing through Kitsune LCR 1 MK5 phono pre and Allnic L7000 preamp. My amps are Pass X350.5 and Benchmark AHB2 driving Sound Lab ESL speakers. My system sounds great, but I am wondering how I can take my system to another level. What do you think?


Removable headshells have compromises, not to mention their own set of problems. Not sure if it is worth it.

Dear @cleeds @mr_m : " Opinion stated as fact, and it’s a very debatable opinion at that. " "" Removable headshells have compromises, not to mention their own set of problems. Not sure if it is worth it. ""


Gentlemans, the owner already has the removable headshell tonearm design and this is what I’m talking about I’m not comparing against any other tonearm kind of design. I’m trying to help the OP to achieve the best of what he own and from here my post is a FACT like it or not. Dont try that I learn or that try to tell I’m wrong with your kind of posts trying to dyscover " black thread " and think that in any audio item as in the real day by day all kind of choices always have trade-offs. Instead of all your " meaning or way of think " try to help the OP with what he already owns and don't try to " hit " me. It does not helps to any one.


Btw, @chungjh I can’t remember if I mentioned but any TT ask for a good isolator plattform and yours is no exception. Other issue that you need to think a little about is the critical and important kind of task that IC cables has in the quality level performance and at least at two places in your system: tonearm to phono stage and phono stage to preamp ( I insist that that preamp should and must goes, is a BS of item. ). There are several alternatives for IC cables and you need to think too if those IC can stays the short as you can: say 0.5m to 0.75 m. and two IC good choices could be Audio Note ( UK. ) and Silver by Analysis Plus.



Raul. I am using a very high quality ICs from Audio Sensibility OCC copper RCA.

Dear @chungjh  :  I neved heard those cables in my or other people audio system but I can see and read in its site that they carry the Zavfino cooper headshell wires. I recommended to you to use the silver by Zavfino headshell wires and the silver tonearm internal wires that after read that site I think that even Zavfino are better cables but with cables is hard to use the word " better or best ".


Cables/wires is an audio item where we have to make several tests in our system with different cables. It does not exist something as an " universal " cables that goes with any system. All cables can work in any system but a<ll owns puts its own signature and develops| different distortion levels duw that the electronics are and have electrical charactreidtics as impedance, capacitances and the like and the cables an electronics " react " to those electrical characteristics. Cables issue is " complex ".


I tested sevarl cables and in all cases I preffer silver over cooper and a safe advise for me are the Silver by AN and AP. Each one of us ahve our prefferences because at the end the " best " one is what we are hearing through today.


You need to test a wider variety of cables even inside the same manufacturer as could be its silver models.

